Saturday, August 9, 2008

Last weekend

So It's my last weekend in Salzburg and it sucks! It was raining buckets this morning. I was wanting to go to Monchsberg and Nonnberg Abbey. But instead I managed to walk down to the supermarket.
I'm sick. I have a sore throat, congested chest (as usual), and now drippy nose. I'm also coughing a bit and have an occasional ear ache. I can't sing because anytime I sing above a D I start to have a coughing attack. I wish my technique was good enough to sing through being sick, but I'm not there yet.
Because I can't practice, I am getting kind of depressed. I need to be patient and work on things like text, etc. that doesn't require me using my voice. But I just really want to sing. This is the first time that I am really frustrated that I'm sick. I started crying in the practice room when I realized that I couldn't practice yesterday. I skipped my German test to sleep. Then went to lunch and the dress rehearsal for the opera scenes. I was able to sing, for that since the duet is in a comfortable spot in my voice, but I definitely sounded weak.
On the bright side of being sick, all that I crave right now is fresh fruits. I ate so many grapes (but they take a while since these ones have seeds), nectarines, and cherries.
I'm now having to get ready to leave and it makes me sad. But I'm also excited to start things back home: lessons, practicing, cooking, etc. I am actually not as excited to start student teaching as I should be. Right now I'm just seeing it as something to get through. It will definitely feel more like a job that I have to do for the money. But in this case, the salary is not in dollars, but a Bachelor's degree.
On the brightside I don't think I will need to take anymore money out for Salzburg. I also found 30 Euros in my pocket today when I put on my rain jacket.

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