Friday, August 1, 2008

I am soaked to the bone. I look like a wet puppy dog, or better yet the tragic Hollywood, my boyfriend just dumped me and I'm forced to walk home in a rainstorm look. In the middle of dinner (9:00) it started pouring. Then, we tried hanging around the Afro-Cafe a bit more (it's our favorite restaurant) but we had already paid and more people were wanting to sit down. Since then it's been pouring, a good old fashioned deluge. After we left the bar because it was claustrophobic and lot's of smoking, we hopped on the first bus we could find. Then we just rode the bus around awhile until we realized it was heading in a direction we did not want to go. We all just decided to go home. unfortunately we were on bus 7 and the stops were all atleast 300M from any of the stops for 3, my bus. Being waterlogged was unavoidable.
Today, when it was sunnier, I ended up buying a dirndl. I had been wanting one ever since I got here. I found a store with a decent price on them. The one I really wanted was only 98 Euro, but it was too small. The one I ended up getting fits perfectly, is black, and cotton instead of polyester like some of them. The apron is a bit too christmas-time for me, but I can always make my own aprons to change in and out. I would have worn my dirndl to the midterm recital tonight, but it was quite hot and humid out and I would have been the only one wearing one.
The midterm went well. I was a little nervous at the beginning because it was a rather dead room. But after the first line I just allowed myself to relax and sing to myself. The song flew by after that. It certainly wasn't my best singing because I have not had enough time to really solidify the new things I've been learning, but I felt good when I sang. Some people were ridiculously upset that the teachers/coaches didn't give them any praise. Well, they didn't do the best job. I think I'm pretty realistic about things, I know that it was not my best singing, therefore I do not expect any compliments saying that it was or that it was any better than lessons. Singers are a bit too dramatic for me sometimes.
Here's an important announcement: My roommate from freshman year, Lindsey, is in a scholarship competition for a law school scholarship. The winner is selected by votes. Place your vote today! Visit:
and then vote for Lindsey Meyer's video. You should watch the video, it's pretty hilarious, and once again she puts her accordion skills to work.

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